
音樂分享 - 「君がいるから」by 江口一聲

2007年11月8日 星期四

Thunderbird 匯出到 Outlook Express

Extensions for both Thunderbird and Firefox

Export mail into Outlook (Express) or Apple Mail

Using Netscape Communicator V4.7 (我選這個方法)

You can use Netscape Communicator V4.7 to export email folders to Outlook(Express). Follow the following steps:

  • download and install Netscape communicator V4.7 from Get Netscape. Do not run Netscape yet!
  • Go to the "Mail" directory in your Thunderbird profile folder. (If you are using the Global Inbox in Thunderbird, you will need to go to "Local Folders" inside the "Mail" folder.)
  • Get Thunderbird's mail files (the ones which have no filename extension, such as "Inbox"). Copy them to the message folder of Netscape Communicator. You can find this folder in Netscape Messenger under Edit->Preferences-> Mail & Group News -> Mail Servers. Do not copy the .msf files!
 You can also use the MBOX autosave extension in Thunderbird to save your folders: Get MBOX Autosave 
  • Start Netscape Messenger
  • Now all folders will be loaded by Netscape. In order to have them ready for export, you should open/view the folders one by one. This way, Netscape creates the index .snm files.
  • Now start Outlook Express and use the import message function: File->Import Messages->Netscape Communicator and select the location again where Netscape stores it mailfolders. All messages will be imported perfectly.
  • From Outlook you can now import again from Outlook Express

1 則留言:

Alex 提到...

For me exist numerous software in the World. But yesterday I was in difficult condition and couldn't find curious software. Luckily for me later I accidentally came upon - inbox repair tool outlook express. It relieved me for seconds and moreover I advised it for my friend..