終於變的不錯用的看圖軟體 XnView 1.90.3
我自己常用的是,拿 XnView 來觀看我拍的照片,且於畫面上顯示該照片的 ExIF ,檢討以後該怎麼拍~Import about 400 graphic file formats
Export about 50 graphic file formats
Multipage TIFF, Animated GIF, Animated ICO support
Image IPTC, EXIF metadata support
EXIF auto rotation support
IPTC editing
Resize, rotate, crop support
Lossless rotate & crop (jpeg) support
Adjust brightness, contrast...
Auto levels, contrast
Modify number of colors
Apply filters (blur, average, emboss, ...)
Apply effects (lens, wave, ...)
Fullscreen mode
Slide show with effects 幻燈片含特效切換,還能做成螢幕保護程式
Batch convert, batch rename
Create WEB page easily
Screen capture
Create contact Sheet
Create or edit Multi-page file (TIFF, DCX, LDF)
TWAIN & WIA support (Windows only) 可用視訊CCD拍照
Print support (Windows only)
Drag & Drop support (Windows only)
Compare image side by side
Filmstrip layout
44 languages support (Windows only)
And many many other things...
No Adware, No Spyware
顯示的 ExIF 內容的設定方式:
工具 - 選項 - 檢 - 全螢幕 - 顯示資訊(打勾)
(設定好了以後,在觀看照片時,按下 i 就會顯示 ExIF 了)
下載完整版 http://download2.xnview.com/XnView-win-full.zip
(綠色環保軟體~ 解壓縮後就可以使用~ 不必安裝~)
關於 ExIF 與 IPTC (請看梁董的介紹)
Source: 梁董的吧台後 - 數位相片的Metadata:EXIF、IPTC
Address : <http://www.wretch.cc/blog/arshloh&article_id=5171125>