
音樂分享 - 「君がいるから」by 江口一聲

2007年3月13日 星期二


下載我收集的影片,可以到 ,貼上網址後按 Download 即可下載,而且還能轉檔成 ipod 的 mp4 格式後再下載,真是好用~
要是嫌每次都要貼貼點點太麻煩,那也可以安裝 Firefox 再加上 Extension: Video Downloader ,在 YouTube 或 Google video 裏看到哪個影片,就能直接點選下載哪個影片~ 讚吧!!


我沒下載過線上影片(串流媒體),這些是我找到的免費工具… 有興趣的人請自行測試囉~

Source: GetASFStream(ストリーミング映像DLソフト)(Windows95/98/Me / インターネット&通信)
Address : <>


Have you ever watched a streamed video over the internet and wished that you could save that stream to view later or convert to another format (e.g. 3GPP).

Well if its a ASF or Windows Media Stream you can: -

1.To do this, do the following, download the setup file for GETASFSTREAM (included with this post).
2.Find a Windows Media Stream that you want to rip.
3.Click the link once to launch it in Windows Media player and close windows media player, and then right-click the link and save the resulting file on your computer, if you dont play the video first, often when you click 'Save Target as' you just get prompted to save a html file.
4.Open the file you just saved in notepad or another text editor
5. Copy the link which starts with the MMS protocol
7. Copy the copied text into the URL box of GETASFSTREAM.
8. Click 'Exec' in GETASFSTREAM.
9. Wait for the process to finish.
10. If you installed GETASFSTREAM to its defauly location, go to 'C:\PROGRAM FILES\GETASFSTREAM\ROOT' and you will find the full streamed video saved there, which you can view offline and do what you want with.
Source: Getasfstream - Fone Fun Forum
Address : <>

這裏有另一套 StreamBox VCR Suite 2.0 ,有網友說這一套不建議,因為已經年久失修了…
StreamBox VCR Suite v2.0
StreamBox VCR Suite contains all the StreamBox related software needed to capture media streams on the Internet. It comes in a single installer package and doesn't need any further patching.
Source: StreamBox VCR Suite v2.0 (freeware)
Address : <>

The Streaming Media Recording Forum 建議還是多看看比較好 mms 用 NetTransport 與 Flashget 似乎都很不錯。
