
音樂分享 - 「君がいるから」by 江口一聲

2007年3月14日 星期三

免費的 CCD 抓圖程式 Dorgem


Official site:

Dorgem is a webcam capture application for Windows 9x and up. Any Video for Windows compatible webcam (or other digital camera) is supported.

It has unlimited storage events that can put the captured image on an FTP site as well as a local disk, all with their own time interval. It can put a unlimited texts and bitmaps on the captured image before the image is stored.

Dorgem supports an unlimited number of simultaneous cameras. It has a built-in webserver for still images and can be used as security camera because of its motion detection.

支援自動抓圖,還能個動上傳到 ftp ,還內建 WebServer ,可以顯示抓下的圖,且支援動態偵測,所以可以當保全監視錄影機。 重點是… 免費的!! 謝謝了 Frank Fesevur.

Frank 的WebCam
