
音樂分享 - 「君がいるから」by 江口一聲

2007年7月9日 星期一

My Horoscope - Aquarius 水瓶座昨,今運勢 (英文)

Sunday, July 8, 2007
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

There are strong emotional undercurrents(暗潮,暗流) that can take you on a journey(旅程) into unfamiliar waters today. Unsuspecting tides from unknown sources cut across your life, pulling you toward the shallows and possibly the rocks. Keep in mind that flexibility(適應性,靈活性;彈性[U]) is your greatest ally(盟友). If you stiffen up(使頑強,使堅定;使強硬), you're more likely to get hurt. Relax in the moment and surf the waves.

Monday, July 9, 2007
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

You might be annoyed(煩悶) with someone on the home front, but you cannot easily express your anger. You don't really know what might come out of your mouth if you aren't monitoring every word. Unfortunately, it takes much more energy to keep your filter on than it does to live in your truth(看不懂).

這兩篇的意思差不多都是… 要用腦袋,不要用脾氣;控制不住時,甘脆閉嘴不要亂講話,就會順利過關了~ 有說跟沒說一樣~ 要是每個人都用腦袋而不是耍個性,那還有什麼問題~ 冏~
