
音樂分享 - 「君がいるから」by 江口一聲

2007年12月4日 星期二

YouTube秀台灣 影片

Sugarcane Railway。糖鐵舊跡2006/7影像紀錄《YouTube秀台灣 完整影片》
Roger631021:「★看著糖鐵舊軌跡在視線中延伸,漸漸消失於遠方,欣賞其散發出的強烈舊化感與日落昏黃 般的氣氛!短短一部片的時間是不夠述完所有的片段與故事,用簡單靜態方式來紀錄這被乎 略的台灣之美。
★The memory for T.S.C.-passenger railway carriage is also the mutual life firsthand experiences to many people; not only to Taiwan Sugar employees, to those sugarcane growers, but also to many local residents.
★T.S.C. train passing through the time and the distances, it connects the past and the present, it connects our different memories and fun to Sugarcane Railroads, it connects the different humanities, cultures, and always giving us the same warmness and home town feeling」

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