
音樂分享 - 「君がいるから」by 江口一聲

2007年9月3日 星期一

WinAMP 音效外掛 - Jammix Enhancer 031

前一陣子,朋友介紹我用 千千靜聽 ,還真的不錯用,COU、記憶體也用的比 WinAMP 少,又支援 Unicode 讓我的日、韓歌名都能正常顯示,還有內建歌詞顯示功能。

原本以為它音質比 WinAMP 好,後來發現,是它多了一個 Dolby 音效處理的 plug-in ,所以聽起來聲音比較寬廣,但是它有個缺點,就是操作動作時,或是系統的其他部份影響到它時(比如說硬碟存取卡住時),它會當掉。

今天不死心,去 WinAMP 官網找 plug-in ,找到這一個,剛試了一下,不錯。

Source: Winamp Plug-in Details - Jammix Enhancer 031

Download Jammix Enhancer 031

Download Jammix Enhancer 031

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Author's Comment:

Why I'm making this stuff???
A short description: dynamic bass boosting with a lot of tweaking possibility, 3D and prologic surround, reverb, adjustable boosting (auto volume and compression) and noise reduction (to remove some hiss).Included some presets to help you to find the best settings for your sound system.I do not really recommend those who have already an enhanced sound system (like most of the 5.1-s).Some minor changes has been made in this version.enjoy

- Danilics Tibor

Staff Review:

High quality DSP
Simple to use yet it's really effective and configurable whether you're into slight or full on tweaking of your listening experience.Solidly put together and works really well. Also if you've experienced issues with this in the past with newer versions of Winamp, then this is the version you will need! Only quirk is that the preset selection doesn't seem to hold it's state correctly when selected otherwise spot on.

Random Review:

Nice featureset...but retarded coding...

I guess the feature set is fine and seems to do, well, something. Not anything exceptional really. butt not bad at all.This thing about requiring a change of my display's DPI setting is completely retarded. I am not chaning my the basis for my ENTIRE SYSTEM for a freaking Winamp plugin...come on are you a developer or a mouse? Fix that short coming and have a nice piece of software.Until that is changed it's a 3.5 star add on at best.

- breck lundin, Jun. 14th, 2007
