參考 Mozilla 論壇裏的這一篇
Export mail into Outlook (Express) or Apple Mail
大體上是先把 Thunderbird 裏的郵件 copy 到 Netscape Communicator 的郵件目錄(不包含 .msf , 那是Thunderbird 的郵件index檔),然後開啟 Netscape Messenger 一一點開每個資料夾,讓 Netscape Messenger 為每個資料夾建立 Index 檔,最後再開啟 Outlook Express ,並執行 檔案 - 匯入 - 從 Netscape Communicator ; 大功告成。
Netscape Messenger 的郵件存放目錄… 第一次執行 Netscape Messenger 時,會要求輸入一次帳號資料,最後也會讓使用者指定郵件的存放目錄,所以原文說的,安裝完後先不要開啟 Netscape Messenger 是錯的,裝完就給它開啟來,並且完成設定吧!! 這樣才能知道 郵件的存放目錄在哪裏。
在從 Thunderbird 複製郵件到 Netscape Messenger 時,其實可以把郵件與 index檔(.msf) 全部複製過去,然後再用尋找 *.msf 檔的方式,將 .msf 檔刪除。
完成複製後開啟 Netscape Messenger 觀看郵件時,最讓人高興的是… 整個郵件的目錄架構也都有順利匯入哦!!
Using Netscape Communicator V4.7
You can use Netscape Communicator V4.7 to export email folders to Outlook(Express). Follow the following steps:
* download and install Netscape communicator V4.7 from Get Netscape. Do not run Netscape yet! 到 http://browser.netscape.com/ns8/download/archive47x.jsp 下載 Netscape communicator V4.7 英文版(我找過了,沒中文版)
* 安裝 Netscape communicator V4.7 ,完成後執行一次 Netscape Messenger 並完成帳號設定;開啟後,到 Edit->Preferences-> Mail & Group News -> Mail Servers 查看郵件的目錄是在哪裏(預設值是 C:\Program Files\Netscape\Users\default\Mail ),完成後再關閉 Netscape Messenger。
* Go to the "Mail" directory in your Thunderbird profile folder. (If you are using the Global Inbox in Thunderbird, you will need to go to "Local Folders" inside the "Mail" folder.)
* Get Thunderbird's mail files (the ones which have no filename extension, such as "Inbox"). Copy them to the message folder of Netscape Communicator. You can find this folder in Netscape Messenger under Edit->Preferences-> Mail & Group News -> Mail Servers. Do not copy the .msf files!
* Start Netscape Messenger
* Now all folders will be loaded by Netscape. In order to have them ready for export, you should open/view the folders one by one. This way, Netscape creates the index .snm files. 一個個去點開每個郵件裏的資料夾,讓程式建立它的index檔 .snm ,這樣 Outlookexpress 才能正確匯入。
* Now start Outlook Express and use the import message function: File->Import Messages->Netscape Communicator and select the location again where Netscape stores it mailfolders. All messages will be imported perfectly.
* From Outlook you can now import again from Outlook Express
音樂分享 - 「君がいるから」by 江口一聲
2007年11月12日 星期一
Thunderbird 郵件匯出到 Outlook Express
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